Festivity and Family: Memory Through Tradition
The Memory Project, the ongoing 2021 exhibit which explores the different ways our community remembers the past, will conclude with Part III, a holiday centered examination called Festivity and Family: Memory through Tradition. From November-December, over 50 different holidays are celebrated by cultures and religions across the globe. Here in Cayuga County, many of those holidays come with distinct memories of family, food, and cultural tradition for the many communities who have called the area home.
This exhibit will be a living examination of the families who live here today. Share with the Cayuga Museum the ways you and your family celebrate the season, and explore the diverse memories and traditions, familiar and unfamiliar, that can be found right here in Cayuga County.
Festivity and Family will be on display from November 27- January 8, 2022, with a reduced, $5 general admission to the Museum all day on Saturday, November 27 (museum members free)! The museum will be open from 11 AM-4 PM. Reservations are strongly encouraged, though not required. Come explore the different family traditions and memories that have woven the fabric of Cayuga County.
The Museum is closed for the exhibit installation until Saturday, November 27. When the exhibit opens, the Museum will be open to the public from 11 AM-4PM, Wednesday-Saturday (excluding holidays). The Cayuga Museum is located at 203 Genesee St. in Auburn, NY. Parking is available in front of the Museum off Genesee St. or in the lot behind the Museum off of Washington St. If you have any questions about the exhibit or how to get to the Museum, please contact Geoff Starks at geoffrey@cayugamuseum.org or 315-253-8051.