Meet and Greet Rox Swap
“Rockers” are welcome to join for an AuburnRox Meet and Greet. Everyone that wants to participate is asked to bring a painted rock or rox to swap. Please wrap the rock for an ice breaker element to the event. Supplies will be available on site as needed.
Get acquainted with other Rockers over refreshments, Rox Hunting, and enjoying the NYS Equal Rights Heritage Center atmosphere. The Taste NY Market inside will also be open for shopping local products.
Weather permitting there will be some Rox to discover on the Heritage Center grounds.
Only two Waldo Rox will be hidden inside (see picture). The finders must notify and bring the Rox to any AuburnRox Team Member to receive a Prize Basket. Only one basket permitted per family/group.
Leave with a new Rox, a new friend or two, and possibly a sweet AuburnRox score.
Storm date is Saturday, February 17 at noon.