Spring Break Art Camp: Sewing Freedom
Travel the Harriet Tubman’s Underground Railroad with needle and thread! Hear stories about Upstate NY’s Underground Railroad Trail. Learn about Harriet’s African Heritage and her connection to Nature. Hand sew a “Baobab Tree”. Machine sew a quilted table runner celebrating Tubman’s “Home” in Auburn, and a “Flying Quilt” story quilt square celebrating journey and travel. Explore weaving from West Africa and finger weave your own wall hanging!
Masks are required at all times while inside the Art Center.
Ages: 11-16
Cost: Members $115, Non-Members $130
About the Teacher

Griot artist Vanessa Johnson, is a native of Syracuse, N.Y. who practices in the art of storytelling. A Griot is a traditional West African Storyteller who is responsible for accurately reciting historical events through song, speech, reenactment, screenwriting and musical composure which effect society or a specific community. Photography by Jon T. Spencer.