Harriet Tubman Lantern Trail
Find and scan the QR codes at the locations marked with a lantern pin to experience a piece of history. Find all of them to receive a prize at the Equal Rights Heritage Center.
Become captivated by the rich history and vibrant culture of the city of Auburn.
This historic destination has evolved into a beautiful collaboration of multiple celebrated sites where one can become immersed in the archives. This city was home to many iconic American heroes, including Harriet Tubman and William H. Seward, while they fearlessly led slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Explore their stories while visiting other significant landmarks such as the Willard Memorial Chapel, Cayuga Museum of History & Art, and Westminster Presbyterian Church. The Case Research Lab, the birthplace of sound on film, and the Schweinfurth Art Center, which offers a wide range of seasonal exhibits, complement these notable sites. Top off your day with a comedy act, play, or a dance performance at the Auburn Public Theater.