
Painting in the Parks – Hoopes Park

Artist Christy Lemp will lead Plein Air watercolor painting and sketching at local parks, where you’ll learn watercolor properties and capture the feeling and memory of your visit. The focus will be on loose interpretations of subjects such as flowers, skies, and landscapes.


$55 (General Public)
$50 (Cayuga Museum Members)
Each location will have a covered option for inclement weather. Space is limited for each session and reservations are required.

Painting Supplies

Supplies Provided by Instructor

  • Watercolor paper
  • Backing board and tape
  • Cups for water
  • Palettes for mixing
  • Paper towels
Supply List for Participants

  • Watercolor paints (tubes preferred)
  • A couple of brushes
  • Water for drinking and painting
  • A chair or something to sit on
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray

About the Artist
Christy Lemp


I have always loved to draw and paint. As a young child I don’t remember having sketch books so I would hunt around the house for paper to use, raiding my Dad’s closet and confiscating the white cardboard lining that came with his dry cleaned shirts.  We weren’t allowed to watch much TV, and computers and video games didn’t exist yet. I spent most of my days outside exploring nearby creeks, ponds, and parks, fostering my love of nature.  When Mother dragged me back home I would spend hours sketching memories of the day and collected treasures -acorns, pinecones, flowers, etc.

My watercolor painting career got started later in life after raising three active boys. The creative urge was always simmering, hoping to someday have more time for art. I had a little dream that maybe people would even buy some pieces. Then SOMEDAY came when a milestone birthday creeped up and panic set in!  What if I became ill and NEVER got to fulfill my dream to paint? With my husband’s support I quit my job and threw myself into painting.  I took workshops with artists whose style I admired and spent many hours practicing and learning loose and spontaneous watercolor techniques.  Within a year I had my first art show in the same park I grew up in with a few framed paintings and notecards in Ziploc baggies. A few people bought my notecards and I was completely thrilled.

A lot more has happened since then.  My art evolved as I kept at it; I participated in more art fairs and gained a following.  (My packaging became a lot more professional :0 ) Customers often buy or commission my artwork for profound and emotional reasons. The hummingbirds, cardinals, and foxes sometimes represent a loved one’s spirit animal.  Other images portray hope, sympathy, or a fond memory.  I now exhibit in galleries, and teach workshops locally.  The child that loved the outdoors lives on in my heart every day.


Jul 26 2024


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

More Info

Buy Tickets


Hoopes Park
100 South Herman Ave Auburn, NY 13021


Cayuga Museum of History & Art
Cayuga Museum of History & Art

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